
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Is it brainwashing or ignorance? Activists gain glory, but miss the point

Really? Greenpeace has stopped offshore drilling again. This time, two activists have climbed the anchor chain of the Stena Carron drillship, which was bound to drill for Chevron offshore the Shetland Islands.

The environmentalist group claims that they are protesting, asking North Sea governments to stop deepwater drilling, spewing fear propaganda to scare the public into thinking that the BP disaster in the Gulf of Mexico could happen anywhere.

First off: The BP disaster is just that -- a disaster. No one meant for the well well blow-out, 11 people to lose their lives, the rig to sink or the well to spill oil and gas into the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. It was an accident, and companies and regulatory agencies across the globe are trying to learn from the events surrounding the Macondo well and enact change and safety measures to ensure it doesn't happen again.

While the activists may be acting with good intentions, their actions are pretty misguided. To think that the world can stop its reliance on petroleum products today is very simple-minded.

In fact, the photo of the two activists "training" for the action shows the likely numerous petroleum products required to safely achieve their mission, including an inflatable sea vessel, plastic safety helmets and various nylon ropes.

One of the activists said, "Instead of drilling for the last drops in places like this, the oil companies should be developing the clean energy technologies we need to fight climate change and reduce our dependence on oil."

The oil and gas industry is doing just that. Oil and gas companies are at the forefront of investments into green energy; they are aware of peak oil and not only ensuring energy for the future, but I'm sure ensuring a future for their companies.


Phaedra Friend Troy is the content director for, an all-energy website that provides oil and gas, power and infrastructure news, analysis, reports and more. Sign up for a free daily enewsletter today.

1 comment:

  1. You should also point out that some oil companies are not investing in green energies because doing so would likely kill government subsidies to the industry. Imagine what the voters would think of the government subsidizing a large oil firm green energy endeavors.
